Interface Lovers

At the moment, I'm a solo designer at FBN. We have just started working actively to change that, but while it has been exhilarating working at such an impactful company, I do miss the interaction, collaboration, and feedback from other designers. Up until recently, I got my design fix from the team at GV. It was refreshing to scrawl all over the whiteboards with JZ and Jake, but lately it's been just me in my head.

Tonight I came across something pretty cool that is at least compensating for the design void by letting me get an overview of the process, concerns, and interests of other designers. I'm not sure how long Interface Lovers has been around, but I appreciate the mix of familiar and unfamiliar designers. I will save these up to read when I need some design inspiration.

Screenshot 2017-09-15 00.02.39.png

It's pretty cool listening to other designer's playlists on Spotify as well. If you're new to design, looking for inspiration, or you're stranded on Design Island, make sure you check this out.